Everlearn is a learning experience management system that helps organisations conduct and manage training more professionally, economically, and effectively. It is learner-centred and designed to maximise the learning experience, encourage participation, and enhance the learner’s engagement
Training materials and content play an extremely important role in the long-term training process and strategy of the enterprise.
Evermind is a knowledge management solution that is being used successfully in many companies who consider knowledge as a strategic asset. Evermind is built on the scientific basis of knowledge management and based on the APO Knowledge Management Framework model.
Evermind overall solution consists of 4 parts:
In terms of training & development, in the digital age, Microlearning is truly an effective learning method and brings ...
Tracking Employee Lifetime Value (ELV) - The net worth employees deliver during their time with the business - it can ...
Have you ever felt like your training department is not being very favored? Or not consulted very often in corporate ...
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